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Rise of the Walkers Hotfix#3 is now live!

25. 2. 2015

“Rise of the Walkers” - Hot Fix #3

Version 0.7.859


Yes, this was a bit of a hash, but we are the first game ever - we think - to attempt 1 vs. 20 PVP boss battles in an online MMO, and we do only have a 10 man dev team, so it was bound to work first time wasn’t it :)

Anyway, Ed, has totally reworked the lobby code to make boss battles work, and to improve server queue times across the board, so hopefully you’ll see this improve a lot

We will of course be monitoring it closely to ensure it’s stable before moving onto any more new features etc.

Boss cool-down time is now 24 hours, and everyone will be assigned a random cooldown time between 0-24 hours on first login so that we can stagger users usage of the feature

Boss battles are now limited to T8 and above, to ensure that the Robocraft ecosystem can cope with the popularity of the boss battle feature and sustain it over the longer term


Nano Disruptors no longer auto-target enemies

Nano Disruptors now have an improved auto-targeting algorithm for allies, splitting healing more evenly to those in range and ignoring allies that are at 100% health already

Nano Disruptor laser no longer engages an ally if they are at 100% health already

Nano Disruptor heal rate increased by a little at T7, and a little more at T8, etc. and as much as 25% at T10

Healing a robot for more than 5% of its health gives you an 'assist' similar to damaging a player that is later killed. You can only get one healing assist per player, per game.

Plasma Damage decreased by 10%

Plasma Blast Radius decreased to match the size of the blast special effects (they were between 10-15% larger than the SFX before)

Fixed a bug which prevented Rails doing damage sometimes

Fixed a bug in Rail causing them to lock up when one had been shot off whilst recharging

Map ceiling heights have been changed as we noticed that the height varied a lot between levels. The heights now all match the height that was allowed in Mars #3 (which means a reduction of around 10% in max ceiling in some maps, and less in others)

Added country badges to the cosmetics for France and South Korea as requested by some users from those nations

New Robot added to the Roboshop (T7 Scarab)

Legs remain retracted after a jump if you continue to hold the spacebar, allowing flying-walkers to get off the ground more cleanly

Fixed places where Robots could go beyond bounds of minimap

Fixed a couple of placement issues with Electroplates, Thrusters and Walker Legs

Fixed a bug that prevented Helium from functioning properly after being repaired

Fixed a few description errors in the Cube Depot etc. (thanks to the users who reported these)


As a special reward to all users who read the release notes properly, we’ve added an easter egg to the game. Everyone who discovers the easter egg will receive a cosmetic cube that can only be obtained by the promo code revealed by the easter egg. If you discover the easter egg you could of course simply share the promo code to others, but we think it would be more fun if you kept it to yourself. You will see why if you find it :)